Downed Fencing and Fence Debris
Since Hurricane Beryl hit last summer, MUD 21’s landscape maintenance contractor, NJ Services, has noticed a significant increase in the amount of downed resident fencing and fence debris, including concrete from old fence posts, on the District’s drainage reserve property next to resident property throughout the District. Photographs of some of the affected areas are enclosed. The debris is interfering with the mowing and maintenance of the District’s drainage facilities, which is critical to ensure proper drainage and flood protection for our community.
Please examine your yard and any District property adjacent to your yard for downed fencing and fence debris and arrange for removal of all such debris from District property no later than Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Please be advised that if you do not remove all fencing and debris from District property by that date, the District reserves the right to remove it and to charge you for the cost incurred.
We appreciate your assistance in ensuring the District can continue to provide appropriate and necessary drainage for our community.
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